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Reading List for Adults
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In this list I present some of my favorite books. There are old and new favorites here. All of these books have assisted and guided me on my path. Reading is such a powerful way of exploring concepts and ideas that can challenge and grow our perspectives.
The Power of Now

Eckhart Tolle

This is my new current favorite book! The simple truth presented in this book is that the only moment we can ever live is the present moment. Fixation on past and future are distractions that can dilute or even destroy our quality of life. The way Eckhart Tolle discusses these ideas is powerful and transformative. This book has helped me to move to a new level of engagement with life!
Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

Susan Jeffers

I often tell people that this book is one of the most important books I've ever read. I came across this book at a particularly difficult time in my life, and worked with it every day for about 6 months! It propelled me into new levels of living and confidence. Susan Jeffers really helps us understand the positive role that fear can play in the process of life.
Codependent No More

Melody Beattie

A classic text designed to help us all stop trying to fix those around us and focus on the only thing we have control over: ourselves. Ms. Beattie has many books on the subject of codependency. Through this book, and her others, she puts a name and description on a malady that affects many of us. Her book defines what we have been experiencing, and gives us clear steps and actions to face and heal what ails us! It is truly a powerful, illuminating work
The Language of Letting Go

Melody Beattie

A book of daily meditations and thoughts designed to help us recognize and heal from our codependent behaviors. A treasure of short, powerful writings that educate, illuminate and inspire us on our life journeys.
Kitchen Table Wisdom

Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.

A collection of wonderful stories of true healing. Open to any one of them and learn something that can help you in your life, today, in this moment.
The World of Serendipity

Marcus Bach

The gift of serendipity in life is a mysterious and powerful secret, available to each of us. When we set a goal, we may or may not arrive at our exact, hoped for outcome. Serendipity comes into play when we look for and recognize unexpected gains and gifts along the way. It is a delightful way to move through life!
How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali

Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood

This is such a special and powerful book. A few years ago, I took a personal trip to Bali for 3 weeks. This was the only book I took with me! I spent time with this book every day. Each lesson, based on the yoga sutras of Patanjali is power packed and transformative. It is one of the most powerful books I've ever worked with!
The World's Religions

Huston Smith

Huston Smith has given the world such a gift with this work. There is a full text version of this book, in addition to a beautifully done "Illustrated" version of this book. Bill Moyers also turned this work into a PBS series. Huston Smith has immense respect and reverence for the diverse spiritual paths of our human family. In his books he communicates and invites us into that reverence with him. Powerful!
As a Man Thinketh

James Allen

The powerful classic that shows us that our thoughts create our reality. Everyone should read this book...regularly!
The Self-Esteem Companion

Matthew McKay PhD, Patrick Fanning, Carole Honeychurch, Catharine Sutker

This is a great little book for helping us all embrace our personal strengths and quiet the negative voices that can destroy our sense of peace and inner security.
Emotional Clearing

John Ruskan

Emotional release and processing has been an essential part of my spiritual and personal journey. I highly recommend working with a trained therapist or professional to undertake emotional release work. John Ruskan's book provides tools that are powerful and potent for personal engagement with the emotional release process. I highly recommend this book as both a guide and an educational work. If you feel that you need support in your emotional release process, do not hesitate to seek professional assistance!
Feeling Good: the New Mood Therapy

David Burns

This book was one of the first that I worked with when I got in to my recovery process. This book is a great tool for helping us learn how to understand what our emotions are and where they are coming from. Practical exercises and tools to help us work with our emotions to maximize our personal and spiritual growth. A very good basic tool chest!

Cynthia Kersey

An inspiring book that gives 45 stories of belief, persistence and triumph! If you're ever having a bad day, or feeling frustrated with your progress in any project, pick up this book and be inspired!

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